Save the Date: The next Der Weiße Ring - Das Rennen will take place on January 17, 2026!
The Registration starts on 1 October 2025.
General information
The legendary ski race circuit at the Arlberg attracts around 1000 participants
Der Weiße Ring - Das Rennen in Lech Zürs boasts international cult status.
Every year, 1000 ambitious winter sports athletes compete in this thrilling race, every moment of which is closely followed by spectators alongside the course and at the finish line. Meanwhile, locals and guests listen to the race call as skiers of different age groups compete for a spot on the podium.
The prices will be published soon.
Celebrity racers
Pepi Strobl, Harti Weirather, Tom Stiansen and Patrick Ortlieb have all participated in the legendary ski race in the past. In addition, Andreas Goldberger, Rainer Schönfelder and David Coulthard have also strapped on their skis to experience the Arlberg from its most challenging side.
Team classification prize in honour of visionary Sepp Bildstein
The team competition is dedicated to the founding father of Der Weiße Ring, Sepp Bildstein, whose dream was to install a lift at the Arlberg for skiing. It was his vision that made this winter sports activity possible and under his leadership 15 ropeways were installed in Lech Zürs. So in his honour, the Bildstein Trophy is now the prize for the team that completes the 22 km course the fastest.